Three Years: Remembering Avi
February 12, the 28th of the Jewish month of Shevat, will mark Avi’s 3rd yahrzeit. Every day we are reminded of Avi and keep his vision alive through the work of ASF.
This year, as we remember Avi, approximately 100 college campuses will host an Avi Shabbat. The Avi Shabbat initiative is an annual event in cooperation with Hillels across North America to promote inter-faith dialogue and understanding. Avi Shabbat uses Avi’s Story as an example of how one committed, compassionate and young individual can make an indelible difference in their community, and is dedicated to raising awareness about issues related to Israel on college campuses. To date, nearly 70 of those campuses are receiving micro-grants to support interfaith Shabbat experiences with the intent that there is outreach to the Islamic campus community.
You too have been touched by Avi’s story and we invite you to not only remember Avi, but also ensure that his memory continues to inspire students across the county. Be a part of an Avi Shabbat through our new “Sponsor a Candle—Sponsor a Campus” initiative. A gift of $200 supports one campus’ Avi Shabbat grant. Please consider donating today.
Thank you for continuing to honor Avi’s memory.
The Gross Schaefer Family
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